Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to calculate exact combinations

If the number of cards you draw exactly matches the number of cards you have specified, Deck-u-lator will calculate how likely it is to draw exactly that hand. When you draw more cards than you specify, Deck-u-lator tries all the different possibilities for assigning the remaining cards.
You can make use of the default card type, other, to round out your deck description. Here is an example of how to use other to calculate both exact and "at-least" combinations.
How likely is it that you will have at least a Mountain and a Lightning Bolt in your first eight cards? Design your deck then assign the numbers you have and need. The card type other is used here to make sure that calculations reflect drawing from a 60 card deck; the number of cards you have adds up to 60. Since the number of cards you need (2) is less than you draw (8), Deck-u-lator will include hands that have more than one Mountain and more than one Lightning Bolt as also satisfying your combination.

At least combination
have need card
Lightning Bolt

Instead, if you want to know how likely it is to draw exactly one Mountain and one Lightning bolt, then you can require that the remaining six cards be drawn from the other type.

Exact combination
have need card
Lightning Bolt

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