You can now use Deck-u-lator settings to import your decklist. This can be a faster way to setup your calculation than entering cards one at a time. Settings are accessible by clicking the gear icon at the top right of the screen.
card combination calculator
Monday, February 12, 2024
Import your decklist
Saturday, February 10, 2024
Better support for longer calculations
With the latest upgrade, Deck-u-lator can calulate combinations including many more hands. Mark had been trying to calculate larger combinations than could be finished within the Google App Engine limit of 60 seconds. Now these longer calculations will show a progress bar with the amount of work that has been completed.
Saturday, January 20, 2024
New math formula for multiple hand combinations
The latest version of Deck-u-lator shows new math formulas for advanced calculations with two or three hands. Previously multi-hand calculations simply confirmed how many alternate hand combinations you were calculating. This is still the case for combinations with four or more hands.
To calculate your chances to draw alternate hands, Deck-u-lator performs the multivariate hypergeometric calculation for each hand and adds those probabilities together. What about draws that contain all the cards needed for two different hands? These get double counted by just summing probabilities for both hands. So we calculate the probabilities for all combinations of two hands and subtract those. This process continues, alternately adding probabilities for combinations of three hands, subtracting probabilities for combinations of four hands and so on.
The new formula gives a glimpse into this process. Enjoy!
$$ \frac{ H_{0} + H_{1} - H_{0} \cap H_{1} }{ \binom{ 52 }{ 2 } } = 95.0\% $$Monday, November 20, 2023
Deck-u-lator logo
The logo for Deck-u-lator is the percent sign in a mana cost circle. Deck-u-lator calculates the probability of drawing a card combination as a percentage. Mana cost circles on cards in Magic: The Gathering show the casting cost for that spell.
The percent sign is rendered in the Planewalker font. Neale Davidson of Pixel Sagas designed this calligraphic-style font face based on the card text from the first several editions of Wizards of the Coast's Magic: The Gathering collectable card game.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
2023 Upgrade to Python3 and Flask
Deck-u-lator has been upgraded to the latest Python environment on Google App Engine. Google is ending support for Python 2.7, so moving to Python 3 was necessary to continue operating on this platform. Deck-u-lator now uses the Flask micro web application framework.
The functionality from the Advanced page is now added to the main page with a button that will toggle between basic and advanced.
Behind the scenes, the Javascript code has been simplified now that most modern browsers support XMLHttpRequest and JSON. You may see error messages if you are using an older browser.
Thank you to those of you who have shared questions and feature requests.
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Mulligans and Probability (redrawing hands)
Some card games (including MTG) include rules for a mulligan that permit the option to redraw your hand in hopes of getting better cards. The more times you draw a hand, the more likely it is that you will eventually draw a hand that has your desired card combination. Can we quantify this?
The probability of two independent events occurring is the product of the separate probability of the two events. By replacing the initial draw and reshuffling before drawing again we make these two draws independent events.
Probability when redrawing hands
Instead of looking at the probability to draw your combination in the first hand or the redraw, we will look at the probability to not draw your combination twice in a row.
- Assume the probability to draw a hand with your desired card combination is P
- That means that the probability of not drawing your combination is 1-P
- The chance of not drawing your combination after one mulligan is (1-P) * (1-P) = (1-P)^2
- The probability of drawing your combination with one mulligan is 1-( (1-P)^2 )
If we are trying to draw a 2-card combination in a 60 card deck where we have 4 of each, our chance after drawing 7 cards is P=14.5%. Being willing to mulligan twice (N=3) increases our chance to 37.5%
1-( (1-P)^N )
= 1-( (1-0.145)^3 )
= 1-( 0.855^3 )
= 1-( 0.625 )
= 0.375